During routine website maintenance today, we have identified two issues we have been having with our contact form in recent weeks.
The first problem was that we weren’t receiving notifications of your messages, meaning that we missed some communications. The second issue is that, although the contact form asked you to provide your email address, that information hadn’t been captured correctly in the resulting messages that we have received – meaning that we can’t respond easily to these messages as we have no details with which to do so.
We would like to apologise if you have contacted the band and not received a reply. We do our best to respond to all messages we receive as quickly as possible normally. We will try and work out a way of getting in touch with you from the information we have, but suggest that the best thing to do would be to resubmit your details in our new form.
Thanks for your understanding.
Wednesday, 19th June 2019 @ 12:09 am
Can you please send list of forthcoming events Thank yoy
Saturday, 6th July 2019 @ 10:21 pm
Hi, you can find an events list on this website or on our Facebook page. We will try to publicise events a little better in future however, with regular updates as news posts. If you subscribe to the emails from the site, you will receive those.