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Call us: 0797 223 6774

Entertaining Yorkshire since 1854



Grange Moor Brass Band (WF4 4DU), founded in 1854, has a proud heritage of both contesting and entertaining. However, we no longer participate in contests yet still play a varied concert programme throughout the year.

Eb/BBb Bass

Eb/BBb Bass

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June 2023 vacancies

The band has a loyal following with many popular concerts held throughout the year and owns our own purpose-built bandroom. We have a fabulous website as well as a strong social media presence on both Twitter (@grangemoorband) and Facebook (

We look forward to hearing from you.

Please contact:

Richard Broome, band secretary, on 0797 223 6774

You can also send us a message via our Facebook page:

Getting in touch

If you would like to hire the band for an event, are interested in playing with us, or simply require more information about Grange Moor Brass Band, please feel free to get in touch!

Band Secretary & Vacancy Manager

Richard Broome
Phone: 0797 223 6774

Webmaster & Social Media: Thomas Pitts (contact through Richard above)

Grange Moor Brass Band's Social Media

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© Grange Moor Brass Band 2008-2025